On December 12th 2022 Lara set off on a 3000 mile row across the Atlantic ocean
as part of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.
Raising vital funds for three charities very close to her heart
Prostate Cancer UK, Plan International UK
and Our Only World.
Lara completed her solo and unsupported row on
Tuesday 21st March 2023 at 07:07 local Antigua time
after 98 days, 22 hours and 22 minutes at sea.
What an absolutely incredible accomplishment!!!
Rowing solo across the world’s second largest ocean pushed Lara to her physical and mental limit – there is a reason why more people have climbed Mt. Everest than have rowed across the Atlantic.
Lara's row has been dedicated to her father for all the times he went above and beyond.
Lara's father sadly passed away on September 14th 2022.
He wasn't able to see Lara complete the challenge
but she felt his presence out there every second of every day.

“Not all those who wander are lost.”
J.R.R. Tolkien